City Gallery City Gallery

Space and Time Animations

Year 7 and 8 students at Newlands Intermediate

The Bullet Time collaboration between City Gallery and Capital E is the best outing I have ever taken students on, and in 15 years of teaching, that’s saying something.
—Simon McAtamney, Deputy Principal, Newlands Intermediate

Bullet Time was a fantastic, hands-on experience, perfectly pitched for our students.
—Jen Vaughan, Teacher, Newlands Intermediate

Why did you visit City Gallery?
Our whole school enquiry was Space and Time, so we decided a trip to see the Bullet Time photography and video exhibition at City Gallery followed by a digital animation workshop at Capital E would be inspirational for students and it couldn’t have fitted more perfectly with our topic.

What did you learn at the Gallery?
At City Gallery the Educator led students through a journey back in time to see how pioneers of film used cameras and problem solved their way towards capturing images of fast movements that the naked eye could not see. In the gallery workshop they taught students how to create animations for Zoetropes which was a highlight of the trip and the discussions students had about how to problem solve for themselves were deep and creative. Then at Capital E’s Media Lab, every student used green screen and digital tools to manipulate their own slice of time by creating digital animations.

How did you develop learning after the visit?
After the visit, students made their own zoetrope to display the film strip animations that they’d made. These were exhibited at school during our Celebration of Learning evening where students were able to show their parents and siblings what they’d learnt at the Gallery. Students also made some great flip-book animations with the post-visit resources that City Gallery provided. Another follow-up activity students completed was to write reflections on their trip in a Q & A interview style. We put these together in a booklet for students and parents to read, as well as displaying them on our class blog.