Following is a list of frequently asked questions around Gallery visits. If you require further information, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
Important Notice
In 2025 City Gallery Wellington Te Whare Toi learning programmes are held at National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa.
When can I visit?
School education programmes are available daily during term time. Our programmes run for up to 120 minutes, beginning at 10.00am and 12.30pm.
How much does it cost?
Programmes are typically $7.50 per student (teachers free)
Can we book a self-guided tour?
City Gallery education programmes are led by our Mātanga Akoranga | Learning Specialist and include curriculum-linked, hands-on experiences.
How many students can I bring?
Our maximum class size is 32.
How do I book an education programme?
The easiest way to book is by filling in our booking enquiry form here. Once your details have been received, we will check availability, process your booking, and send you confirmation. If you haven’t heard from us within five working days, please reach out to the booking team at
Once your booking is confirmed, our Mātanga Akoranga | Learning Specialist will be in touch within the month leading up to your visit to discuss your ākonga learning needs and the focus for the visit.
What student-teacher ratio does the Gallery require?
We require you to bring the following number of adults to supervise your students.
ECE: One adult for every three students (1:3).
Primary: One adult for every six students (1:6).
Secondary: One adult for every ten students (1:10).
Accompanying adults should be prepared to play an active support role.
What should I do to prepare for the visit?
Teachers are responsible for their groups at all times during their visit so ensure your tauira have been briefed on appropriate behaviour, including respecting artworks. Read the teacher resource card for pre- and post-visit learning ideas.
The learning team will provide Safety Management Planning to you when your booking is confirmed.
What should I bring?
Visit confirmation email and class register.
What should students bring?
All materials are provided.
Can we take photos of the artworks?
Photography is permitted in most exhibitions. A sign adjacent to relevant artworks will indicate when photography is not permitted.
Is there somewhere to put students’ bags and jackets?
A storage crate for bags and jackets will be made available to all booked programmes and booked self-guiding visits on Level 1.
Is there somewhere we can have lunch?
There are sections of the National Library that do not allow food and drink. If you plan to stay at the National Library to take a morning tea/lunch break before or after your session, please pay special attention to the signs indicating food or drink banned areas or ask someone for help to point out these areas.
What do we need to do on the day of our visit?
Aim to arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of your education programme. Toilets at the National Library are split between floors so it is important, especially for young learners, to factor in a toilet break before your programme begins.
Your Mātanga Akoranga | Learning Specialist will meet you outside the main entrance and provide a health and safety briefing before commencing the programme.
Should you run late, please let our Bookings team know by email or call 04 913 3742.