City Gallery City Gallery

Past event

Chris Kraus: Multiple Perspectives

22 May 2017

Chris Kraus is author of I Love DickAliens and Anorexia, and the recently re-released Torpor. The New Yorker says this of her novels: 'Taken together, Kraus’s books summon “contradictory, multiple perspectives” … they approach a recurring consciousness from different angles, dip into the trajectory of a life at different moments.’ The moments, the emotion and the perspectives explored through and across her writing include allusion and reflection on a migrant life in Wellington, where she graduated from Victoria University and had an early career as a journalist at the Sunday Times and Evening Post before leaving for New York to become an artist.

Author and artist Chris Kraus returns to Wellington for a one-off, intimate conversation about her life and work. She talks with Claire Murdoch, Leader, Product and Audience at Radio New Zealand and previously Publisher at Te Papa Press.

Refreshments served.

Presented in partnership with Auckland Writers Festival and Pirate & Queen.