City Gallery City Gallery


Collage Masterclass with Peter Madden

Wellington Museum | Tuesday 8 October, 2pm | Tickets $45–$55





Join artist Peter Madden for an afternoon masterclass on collage composition, held in connection with City Gallery Wellington’s exhibition Generation X: 50 Artworks from the Chartwell Collection.

Magazines have arrived on our shores in their millions. Now a retreating resource, their pages hold the flotsam and jetsam of cultures past. Peter Madden uses found photography of the flora and fauna derived from old magazines, books and encyclopedias: birds, reptiles, flowers, butterflies to create magical inventive 2D and 3D collage. In this masterclass, we will hunt through old magazines for photographs to liberate with our blade, re-releasing our wild images into a field of becoming new to upcycle detritus though collage, into art.

Please note that this workshop will be held at Wellington Museum and is recommended for adults. Peter Madden will also be presenting an Enchanted Jarscapes workshop for younger audiences earlier in the day.
All materials provided, along with complimentary tea and coffee.

Peter Madden

Peter Madden was born in Napier. He studied at Auckland Institute of Technology, and Elam School of Fine Arts at Auckland University. He has exhibited widely both within New Zealand and internationally and is represented in New Zealand by Ivan Anthony Gallery, Napier. Madden has become an undisputed master of the art of collage. He draws much of his imagery from old issues of National Geographic, plundering and reworking its discredited ’empire of signs’ to forge his own. His surrealistic pictures, objects, and installations have a watchmaker level of detail and intensity. They have been described as ‘microcosms’ and ‘intricate kingdoms thick with flying forms’.

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