City Gallery City Gallery

Past event

LitCrawl Extended: Sunday Programme

12 November 2017

New in 2017, LitCrawl Extended at City Gallery offers a series of panels, salons and conversations featuring writers from New Zealand and overseas. Come to one or make a weekend of it. Sunday's programme is listed here. Also see LitCrawl Extended: Women of Letters (Friday) and LitCrawl Extended: Saturday Programme.

Unless otherwise stated, tickets are $15 per session of $18 for you want to give LitCrawl a little bit more support.

You can also book a LitCrawl Extended Season Pass  for $110 (Standard) or $125 ( Supporter). This will gain you entry to all events except Women of Letters, the Flash Fiction Workshop and Rowley Habib: Portrait of an Artist Mongrel.


11am The Whole Intimate Mess: A Rant

Holly Walker, author of The Whole Intimate Mess (BWB Texts), a book that chronicles her time as both Green Party MP and new mum, talks with Emily Writes, author of Rants in the Dark: From One Tired Mama to Another, about the pitfalls and prejudices that make life that much harder for mamas in the 21st century.

Tickets: $15 (Standard); $18 (Supporter) BOOK NOW


12.30pm An Extravagance of Writers

Luxuriate in an hour of readings. Sink into chairs, shut your eyes if you like, and listen to some of the most singular voices from Aotearoa and around the world. Featuring Hera Lindsay Bird, Jack Vening (Australia), Susie Anderson (Australia), Tina Makereti, James Brown, Liz Breslin, Natasha Kanapée Fountaine (Canada).

Tickets: $15 (Standard); $18 (Supporter) BOOK NOW


2pm Why I'm Writing What I'm Writing

Victor Rodger (Sons, Black Faggot), Eleanor Bishop (Body Double), Harriet McKnight (Rain Birds) and Brannavan Gnanalingam (Sodden Downstream) have all created powerful pieces of writing that reflect some of the biggest challenges facing humanity. Together they get stuck into the need to write, the power of the arts to facilitate change, and what they think the future might hold for us all.

Tickets: $15 (Standard); $18 (Supporter) BOOK NOW


3.30pm Fiona Farrell: On Savage Street

Fiona Farrell ONZM is one of New Zealand's most acclaimed writers. Working across genres, she has won multiple awards and appeared in festivals around the world. Her latest project is a two-part exploration into how we rebuild a city: the books The Villa at the Edge of an Empire (non-fiction) and The Decline and Fall of Savage Street (fiction). Join Fiona and Louise O'Brien for an in-depth exploration into change and transformation.

Tickets: $15 (Standard); $18 (Supporter) BOOK NOW


5pm Dame Margaret Sparrow: A Celebration

Risking Their Lives (VUP) is a new book by pioneering New Zealand hero, Dame Margaret Sparrow, who has worked tirelessly to improve the lives of women in New Zealand. In this session we celebrate her life and work, as well as her latest research, with Sasha Borissenko.

Supported by Victoria University Press.

Tickets: $15 (Standard); $18 (Supporter) BOOK NOW


2–4pm Flash Fiction Workshop with Jan Carson

Every day in 2015, Jan Carson wrote a story on the back of a postcard and mailed it to a friend. Postcard Stories (The Emma Press) is the published collection of highlights from this experiment. In this workshop, you will work on the art of the very short story and come away with snapshots of your own. Limited capacity.

Tickets:$45 BOOK NOW

Also see:

LitCrawl Extended: Women of Letters (Friday 10 November)

LitCrawl Extended: Saturday Programme (Saturday 11 November)

See full programme at LitCrawl