City Gallery City Gallery

Past event

Ngā Tāngata Kōrero mō te Reo: True Stories Told Live

6pm, Rātū 10 o Mahuru 2019 | 6pm, Tuesday 10 September 2019

We celebrate Te Wiki o te Reo Māori with a night of storytelling, where speakers share their personal journeys with te reo Māori on the theme of kia kaha te reo Māori.

MCs: Khali Philip-Barbara and Te Kahureremoa Taumata, Timotimo.

Speakers include:

  • Acushla Dee Sciascia Academic
  • Tānemahuta Grey Producer, Theatre Director and Choreographer
  • Chevron Hassett Artist and Writer
  • Jim Moriaty Actor and Theatre Director
  • Rangimarie Jolley Writer, poet and story teller
  • Julia Whaipooti Senior Advisor, Children’s Commission
  • Sharn Maree Spoken Word Performer and Story Teller

There will be complimentary kai, along with drinks available for purchase.

In partnership with Wellington City Council.