City Gallery City Gallery

Past event

NZIA City Talks: The Search for Authenticity

19 April 2021

City Talks is an ongoing series presented in partnership with New Zealand Institute of Architects Wellington Branch.

This month photographer Andy Spain presents his travels in the world of photography and architecture. 

Maybe it was being an altar boy, or the youngest of 8 siblings, that made Andy intrigued about the many masks we wear. From working in an investment bank to undertaking a Masters in photography at the London College of Printing, Andy has been able to inhabit different worlds at the same time.  

So far, in his photography career, Andy has been commissioned to photograph many of New Zealand’s leading pieces of architecture and has featured in a number of publications. In 2020 his series Cuba Street Portraits and Love is Understanding have been recognised by the Alexander Turnbull Library and are held for preserve in the nation's archive. 

'We're all leads in our own stories, playing out the lives we choose on the stage sets of life' he says. 'I want to quietly and democratically reveal these spaces and faces, un-peeling the layers and seeking out my own sanctuary.'