City Gallery City Gallery

Past event

NZIA City Talks: Ngā Awa Tini o Te Whanganui-a-Tara

Monday 17 July, 6pm

Ngā Awa Tini o Te Whanganui-a-Tara
Robin Skinner
The many rivers of Wellington harbour 

Waimapihi, Waitangi, Kumutoto, Tutaenui, Tiakawai... Robin Skinner discusses the streams that flow through Wellington into Te Whanganui-a-Tara.  Far from being lost, these culverted watercourses continue to flow below our buildings and streets, while signs of their pathways remain visible on the terrain above. In time, could these streams be daylighted again?  

City Talks is an ongoing series initiated by the New Zealand Institute of Architects Wellington Branch and presented in partnership with City Gallery Wellington. 

The talk will be followed by refreshments. 

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