City Gallery City Gallery

Past event

NZTrio Art3: Spiral

22 August 2017

Arnold Bax (ENG): Trio in B flat
Jenny McLeod (NZ): Seascapes
Samuel Holloway (NZ): Corpse and Mirror (New Commission)
Beethoven (GER): Piano Trio in E flat, Op. 70 No. 2

Spiral promises forward motion and adventurous leaps into the unknown, including a new commission from New Zealand composer Samuel Holloway, who describes it as ‘a bold and obsessive exploration of self’. This collection of works is packed with introspective character (Arnold Bax), unseen currents of strength and depth (Jenny McLeod), and teetering precipices from which to safely test boundaries (Ludwig van Beethoven).

With guest violinist Natalie Lin.

$40 Adult / $20 Students and Friends of City Gallery

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