City Gallery City Gallery

Past event

CANCELLED: The Future of Monuments

2pm Sun 24 October
Due to unforeseen circumstances this event has been cancelled. We apologies for any inconvenience and look forward to seeing you back at City Gallery Wellington soon.

Today, many want to pull down memorials as expressions of bad politics, especially those memorials that legitimise evil and injustice. What memorials need to go what can stay? Are there 'good' memorials—and who decides? Can we make use of 'bad' memorials? Is the form of the memorial itself now compromised? How do we understand miscellaneous contemporary memorial projects, like Peter Eisenman's Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin and Ground Zero in New York, or Weta and Te Papa's The Scale of War and Peter Jackson 'colourising' World War I footage? Do memorials have a role moving forward? What form could future memorials take?

Each panelist will present a short talk on a monument to preserve before collectively debating the wider implications of this topic. Chaired by Giacomo Lichtner.

At Alert Level 2, this event has limited capacity to ensure correct hygiene measures and social distancing. If there is a shift in Alert Levels, we will notify all bookings.