City Gallery City Gallery

Past event

What if the City Was a Theatre?: The City in the Anthropocene: Performing Urban Geology

14 February 2021

The term 'anthropocene' highlights human impact on the environment in the current phase of geological history. This panel will investigate the anthropocene as a notion, drawing on Métis scholar Zoe Todd, who said, 'Anthropocene is a gentrifying term.' It will address the ways materials, from plastics to harakeke, connect urban and non-urban, human and non-human worlds, and explore performance in a geological, biomaterial, and temporal context shaped by human presence.

This panel is part of What if the City Was a Theatre? In this three-day symposium, the city features as both a space of performance and a space performing itself. Participants discuss topics as varied as housing, post-humanism, city performance, urban architectures, poetry, and kaitiakitanga, while engaging with What if the City Was a Theatre? performances throughout Wellington. RSVPs appreciated. For further information about the symposium, click here.