City Gallery City Gallery

Past event

What if the City Was a Theatre?: Whose City?: Body, Space, Culture

13 February 2021

Is public space really public, open to all? When we speak of our city and the we who live here, who are we talking about? Who does the we exclude or overlook? How might dominant narratives about city space impact upon whose bodies are visible and present? The artists and thinkers in this panel have a vested interest in looking at what lies beneath claims to public space in Aotearoa and in presenting alternate narratives of public space, through queer, migrant, or language and translation perspectives.

This panel is part of What if the City Was a Theatre? In this three-day symposium, the city features as both a space of performance and a space performing itself. Participants discuss topics as varied as housing, post-humanism, city performance, urban architectures, poetry, and kaitiakitanga, while engaging with What if the City Was a Theatre? performances throughout Wellington. RSVPs appreciated. For further information about the symposium, click here.