City Gallery City Gallery

Past exhibition

Debra Bustin [Installation Series]

12 December 1986–31 January 1987

Debra Bustin's project incorporates elements of sculpture, painting, and printmaking. Its concept—the universe as a side show. The pillar in the centre of the main gallery is transformed into a tree that holds up the sky—a dyed muslin cloth draped from the ceiling. Each corner of the room contains a key work. In one, it’s a swirl of white birds on the muslin 'sky' above a garden. In another, Bustin makes reference to Tangaroa, the Māori god of the sea—it's the beginning of her interest in Māori mythology. In a second smaller gallery is a yellow tent piece, The Universe, which contains a mechanised sculpture that spins. A third space contains an interactive tent work, Be Alive, which contains mirrors. The viewer must wear a costume to experience it. This is Bustin’s second solo project at Wellington City Art Gallery. She was also in the 1984 group show New Women Artists.