City Gallery City Gallery

Past exhibition

Lisa Munnelly: Slow Burner

23 August–12 September 2010

Wellington artist Lisa Munnelly investigates the relationship between drawing, time, and the body. Her show consists of three large charcoal wall drawings executed in-situ. Traverse is a horizontal work made of linear marks. Descent is vertical; a single thick horizontal line and the vertical fall of charcoal dust that resulted from making it. The public is invited in during the five-day execution of the last work, Motherboard. Progress is documented daily; a black-and-white photo of the artist at work is taken, printed, and pinned up in the space. The charcoal dust which falls as it is created is also left on the floor, as a secondary ‘drawing’ underfoot. Two film works documenting previous performance works, The Fullness of Emptiness and Sweeping Vistas (both 2003), are screened throughout the show.