City Gallery City Gallery

Past exhibition

Mana Takatāpui: Taera Tāne

29 January–10 April 2011

CURATOR Reuben Friend ARTISTS Fear Brampton, Tanu Gago, Richard Kereopa, Dan Taulapapa McMullin, Hoteera Riri

In Mana Takatāpui: Taera Tāne, five artists of Samoan and Māori descent offer perspectives on male gay sexuality. Unlocking stereotypes and exploring double standards, they explore the interplay of culture and sexuality. ‘Takatāpui’ refers to the indigenous understanding of gay sexuality, signifying that identity is informed as much by culture and ethnicity as by gender and sexuality. ‘Mana takatāpui’ refers to takatāpui communities standing proud within their own cultural skins.