City Gallery City Gallery

Past exhibition

New Wellington Artists: An Introduction to a Theory of Everything

21 December 2006–11 February 2007

An Introduction to the Theory of Everything is this year’s Wellington new-artist show. It brings together new works that engage medical science, environmental science, quantum physics, and science fiction. The artists adopt a DIY pseudo-scientific approach that allows for discrepancies and ambiguities.

Amit Charan presents Think Tank, five performances, including one at the opening, imagining the shape of an abstract thought pattern through electroencephalography.

Amy Howden-Chapman’s video Save the Whale/The Great Pacific Ocean Rubbish Patch Recreation addresses the North Pacific Gyre, an ocean whirlpool where rubbish accumulates. She extends an open call to the public to represent it, reflecting her belief that environmental issues can only be tackled through collective involvement.

Rachel O’Neill is attracted to black holes. Her installation Non-Stop represents them using black plastic rubbish bags.

Bronwyn Smith has two series of drawings. In Armada, she attempts to imagine the icebergs that recently floated off New Zealand’s South coast by covering household objects with fabric and rendering their forms on canvas.