City Gallery City Gallery

Past event

Tuatara Open Late

4 February 2021

Art, music, film, talks, beer, wine, and food. Celebrate the return of Open Late—our changing programme of late-night events on the first Thursday of the month. We kick off 2021 with live music from singer-songwriter Andre Smith (Heavy Chest), with his to his undulating blend of bedroom beats, light melodies, and moody textures and tones.

At 6pm, enjoy a highlights tour of our current exhibitions, then create your own cyanotype print in our education studio, with a drink in hand! Combine fragments to create an image, then print it as a cyanotype photograph. Inspired by Zac Langdon-Pole’s Paradise Blueprint. 

From 6-8pm, watch Hera Lindsay Bird's favourite artist Hannah Salmon make a crazily detailed drawing of lichen while connected to Simon Ingram’s painting machine, Monadic Device 

At 7pm, writer Tim Corballis leads the panel discussion, More than Human, in response to Zac Langdon-Pole's and Simon Ingram's shows

At 8.30pm, enjoy ''laid back vocals, mellow warbly guitar tones, and effortless movement between moods' from singer/songwriter Andre Smith.  



5pm on Exhibitions open, DJ Kedron, enjoy supper treats from Taco Addicts and cash bar. 

6pm Highlights tour of current exhibitions Zac Langdon-Pole: Containing Multitudes and Simon Ingram: The Algorithmic Impulse. 

6–8pm Drop-in cyanotype prints. Make the familiar strange. Create your own artwork. 

Also at 6–8pm: Artist Hannah Salmon creates a drawing while on Simon Ingram’s painting machine Monadic Device. 

7pm More than Human. Panel discussion, chaired by Tim Corballis, with Emalani Case, Janine Randerson and Olivier Gasser.  

8.30pm  Live music from singer-songwriter Andre Smith (Heavy Chest) 

We advise booking in case there’s a shift in alert levels.