City Gallery City Gallery

Photography and Filming

For Personal Use

You are welcome to carry handheld cameras and mobile devices in the Gallery. You are allowed to take non-flash photos and video for personal, non-commercial use throughout most of City Gallery. Look out for signs indicating artworks or exhibitions that cannot be filmed or photographed. This may be for copyright restrictions, cultural reasons, to protect the object, or in the interests of overall visitor experience.

The use of tripods, flash or other means of artificial lighting is prohibited. Please ask a Gallery Host if you have any questions.

When taking photographs for personal use, please be mindful of another person’s privacy rights and do not photograph people without their permission.

City Gallery is not liable for unauthorised photography by our visitors.

For Commercial Use

Unless you’ve received permission from us, you must not sell or profit from the photography, film, or video you take at the Gallery, or use it for commercial purposes.

City Gallery considers ‘commercial use’ to be:
• reproducing a work in any manner that is primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or monetary compensation’
• use on or in anything that itself is charged for, on or in anything connected with something that is charged for, or on or in anything intended to make a profit or to cover costs.

If you would like to make a request for commercial filming and photography, please contact [email protected]

For Education and Personal Research

City Gallery is supportive of education projects and research. Please contact [email protected]

For all media enquiries, please click here to contact our Communications Manager.