City Gallery City Gallery


We welcome visitors of all ages. Baby buggies are permitted in the gallery spaces—please take advantage of our lift. You can check in your buggy at the front desk if you would like to leave it at reception during your visit.

The ground floor toilet has a changing table.

Please remember that children under the age of 14 need to be supervised at all times.
Our Child Protection Policy can be found here.

Family Activities

Family Day
This free event takes place three times a year with family, fun and creativity in mind. Please check events page for the next Family Day.

School Holiday Programmes
Keep creative kids busy with our School Holiday programmes. Please check events page for details.

Art Cart and LOOk! Cards
Find the Gallery Art Cart in the Foyer on weekends and everyday during the school holidays. It is fully stocked with creative activities to engage young minds during their Gallery experience. If you are unable to locate the Art Cart, please ask a host.

Gallery Babes
Gallery Babes is a mid-morning exhibition tour for parents and carers of young babies, followed by morning tea. Gallery Babes happens twice a day on Tuesdays once a month. Please check events page for dates and to book your spot on the next Gallery Babes tour.

Reading Room           
The Reading Room is located upstairs. It is a quiet space for all ages to relax and enjoy a selection of books.